Monday, August 6, 2012

Raspberry Days

Bear Lake is one of my favorite places on earth.  Every August, there is a celebration held there called, "Raspberry Days".  It begins with a parade followed by, a craft fair, fireworks, and my personal favorite, a boat parade; people decorate their boats with lights, wait for dark, and parade them down a section of the lake.  The boats were all decked out and very festive this year; some sailboats even joined the procession.
We stayed at my Grandma's place on the lakefront.  It was fun to spend time with my family!  The weekend included a ride on the ranger up the canyon where we spotted moose, games of cards, rides on the jet skis, paddle board excursions, the traditional purchase of a raspberry shake, and a trip to Bloomington Lake.
The nights were crisp and cool, the days were filled with adventure and fun!  The moon was full and the reflection of the fireworks on the lake was breathtaking.

This one was taken at Bloomington Lake. 


  1. Your pictures are gorgeous. Did you get one of the boat parade? I would have liked to see that.

    1. Thanks Mom. I did not get one of the boat parade, my camera ran out of batteries.
