Sunday, October 2, 2011


I have been Spring cleaning recently (yes, in the Fall) and I ran across some poetry I had written years ago. I had forgotten that I enjoyed writing poetry. I have always wanted to try my hand at writing a children's book and maybe even illustrating it as well.
I don't claim to be very good at poetry but I thought I would share one of them.

Watching through silent panes of glass
Waiting for clouds to disperse
Weary, misplaced in a chasm of doubt and fear
Wanting to run, imitating the breeze on an Autumn morning
Whispering words of my undying devotion to hear the hollow echo return
Wishing for unspoken kindness through love that cannot be touched
Wondering if man is capable of being true, entering into unfailing commitment
Wandering down barren paths I've trod before but somehow all is new springing forth
Winter has faded, shafts of light pierce through clouds
Waking, I realize it is you, here by my side, proving your great worth
Willingly I give you my hand, my love, my life and my unwavering heart

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