I love the Springtime and all things new! I love that we have the opportunity to remember and celebrate the Easter season! I'm so thankful Christ gave me the gift of the Atonement and was resurrected!

My youngest is almost 13. She decided to hide eggs this morning for her 17 year old brother and even though he wasn't feeling the best, he participated and found them. He then took the time to hide her eggs so she could do the same. They are good to each other!
I threw a roast in the crock pot and we attended our church services.
Once home, my kids colored some hard boiled eggs! I love holidays and am glad my kids will still humor me by participating in them!
We sat down and enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner!
The roast was deliciously moist! I usually simply put onions on the bottom of the crock pot adding the roast and pouring two cans of cream of mushroom soup over it with a couple cans of water.
The potatoes and carrots come later so they don't go all mushy.
We had a green salad, jello salad, fruit and rolls to go with it! Mmmmm.
My kids have all retired to their rooms to read and enjoy the evening; that is why I am up to no good and posting on Easter Sunday! However, I am about to call them for the peach pie just emerging from the oven that we are going to eat a la mode!
I certainly hope you and yours had an enjoyable Easter!